Monday 23 February 2015

Evidence Image Bank

The above five photographs show the evidence of weather. Stains left by raindrops are seen in the majority of these photographs. These stains have been left on man made objects, such as planks of wood and windows, as well as natural objects such as grass and flowers. The last photograph shows evidence of snow and ice, due to the snowflakes left behind from the weathers actions. Therefore, evidence of weather is seen in all of these photographs.


These five images show the evidence of crime. Handcuffs are commonly associated with crime, due to the fact that they are placed on a person that is considered dangerous or a delinquent. I could use this prop in future shoots, in order to indicate the evidence of crime. Bodies and police tape are also images that I have used, both of which link to crime, or the aftermath of a crime taking place, which also leads to the evidence of crime.

These photographs show the evidence of human presence. In the first few photographs, handprints and footprints are portrayed. This shows that someone has been there, specifically a human, due to the fact that handprint and footprints are human trademarks. Also, the lip stain on the tea cup indicates human presence due to the fact humans wear lipstick and drink tea.

The above five photographs show the evidence of alcohol consumption. This form of evidence can also be linked to 'evidence of addiction', due to the fact that alcohol is a substance that can create an addiction. I think the last photograph is good due to its use of tone. I will try to use this image to create my own form of 'evidence of addiction' photography.

These photographs show evidence of animal, or specifically insect presence. The bite marks in the leaves indicate that an insect has been there, therefore it is evidence of the presence of animals. The apple also shows this, as well as the last photograph, in which we can actually see the leaf being eaten by the caterpillar.

These photographs show the evidence of age. The difference between the wrinkly, worn out skin of the old age people, and the clear, smooth hands of the younger people shows that ageing is the main topic of the photographs I have supplied. The formal elements in these photographs also help identify the 'age' topic, due to the fact that black and white photographs are an old technique.

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