Wednesday 25 February 2015

Evidence Shoot 4 (Evidence of Vandalism)Work Diary


Unfortunately I found that this session was one of the worst sessions I have taken so far in the evidence topic. With the intention of shooting evidence of graffiti and vandalism, it took me a long while to come across graffiti, and even then I struggled to find an angle at which to make the graffiti look at all interesting. After concerns were expressed with my tutor, I began to think about more creative ways of looking at the evidence of various situations, also perhaps by using people in my class in the studio, so that lighting won't be a concern. Here is an example of a photograph in todays session that did not have very good lighting:


I plan to work more creatively in terms of how the subject of my photographs is seen, and to do this I will work in the studio in the next session, perhaps using writing/graffiti as my evidence topic still, but in a more artistic way. Here is an example of what I may attempt to recreate but with much better lighting and planning:

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