Monday 9 February 2015

Evidence Shoot 2 (Evidence of Human Presence) Work Diary


Ever since my original 'evidence' shoot, I have been thinking about the ways in which I can portray evidence apart from smoking or cigarettes (to show evidence of addiction). For example, evidence of fingerprints, evidence of age and evidence of footprints. During this shoot, I kept these ideas in mind, and eventually came across footprints, fingerprints and a way in which I can portray the evidence of age. Below are examples of how I captured evidence of footprints and evidence of fingerprints on the college campus.

Overall I am quite happy with the resultant images, due to the fact that they are clear representations of hand/fingerprints and a footprint in the mud, indicating that someone has been at both of these locations, portraying evidence of someone having been there.


To improve, I think in the next evidence shoot i will include evidence of more natural occurrences, rather than man made. So far during all of my shoots, I have focused on evidence of addiction and evidence of the presence of people, yet I have not taken any photographs of natural objects/occurrences that also provide evidence for something. This will be my main focus for the next shoot, and I will keep it in mind before going out to shoot it, so as to gain an idea or two towards what type of photographs I will take.

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