Monday 9 March 2015

Evidence Shoot 6 (Evidence of the Man Made Intrusion) Work Diary

In this season, I decided I would capture the evidence of the intrusion of man made objects onto natural environments. An example of what I planned to take photographs of were drains, litter and buildings, contrasting with grass, plants and trees. I think this shoot went rather successfully for I was able to capture all of what I planned, and more (such as the snails among the litter and the benches in the middle of the grass). Here are some of the edited photographs that I came out with, along with a multiple imagery compilation of the intrusion of man made objects onto natural environments.

Progression: Continuing on from the theme of the effects of humans, next session I plan to take photographs of the evidence of human presence, possibly using objects that would be found around the home (e.g hairbrushes, dirty dishes, sweet wrappers).

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