Thursday 19 March 2015

Evidence Shoot 9 (Evidence of Food/Water Consumption Studio) Work Diary


In this session, I decided that I would extend and improve on what I had done last session, with the evidence of food and water diminishing. To do this to the best of my ability, I used the studio. The first thing I wanted to photograph was the evidence that someone was eating a fruit of some kind, for it is very easy to see when a fruit has been eaten. I purchased an apple and returned to the studio, and took photographs of it going from a full apple to an eaten apple. When editing these photographs, I thought it would look good if I put 3 images on top of each other, as a different way to show the sequence of the apple being eaten. This is what the final image looked like after I added curves and levels and made them into one whole image:

After capturing the photographs of the apple being eaten, I decided to find a food substance that could perhaps contrast to the idea of eating fruit, making my shoot seem more diverse. I purchased a chocolate bar and decided to do something similar with it that I had done with the apple, by showing someone eating it frame by frame. When editing, I found that I had not made enough photographs to make a multiple imagery image, so I simply put it together as a sequence. 


I have learned from this session that I need to be taking more photographs if I intend to make a multiple imagery photograph of some sort. This is because I often don't have enough for the minimum amount of pictures (9) to be classified as a multiple imagery image. During this session, I was thinking about how the apple has gone from one state to another, and I thought that in the next session, I could base my work on the evidence of age.

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