Monday 9 March 2015

Evidence Shoot 7 (Evidence of Human Presence) Work Diary


This was the first session I did outside of college grounds, and I think it went particularly well in terms of how I stuck to the topic of 'evidence of human presence'. My first idea was the evidence that someone has eaten food and drank a drink, so I took photographs of dirty dishes and a put a lipstick stain on a glass. After this, I continued to find evidence of human presence in household objects such as hairbrushes, toothpaste tubes, tissues and tea cups.


In this next lesson, I think I shall continue on from my theme of food wrappers and empty plates, and take photographs of the evidence of eating. I could do this through taking a photograph of a full plate of food, or a full packet of some form of snack, and continue taking photographs of this substance whilst taking away parts of the food, until the plate/packet is empty. With all of these similar photographs, I could make a multiple imagery photograph.

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