Monday 9 March 2015

Photographer Research Two: Tom Hussey

Born in America, Tom Hussey is a photographer that specialises specifically in lifestyle photography. I have chosen Hussey due to the fact that his work can be linked to the 'evidence' topic, especially in terms of age, history and emotion. An example of a photograph where he has shown the evidence of memory or history is this photograph, which depicts an elderly man looking at his own reflection, except his reflection shows him many years younger, in an army uniform. This is effective use of editing due to the fact this would not be possible to create without using any effects or editing, so I can learn from this.

The next photograph that Hussey has edited in order to show the evidence of something is one which depicts the evidence of age. An elderly woman is shown to be looking in a mirror,  but the reflection that looks back at her is significantly younger and is wearing more nice-looking clothes. This depicts age due to the fact that the woman sees herself as how she was decades ago, but in actuality her appearance has changed quite a lot.

The third photograph that Hussey has produced that can link to the evidence of something occurring is one that depicts the evidence of reflection. As shown in the majority of Hussey's work, the people look in the mirror to see themselves at a younger age looking back at them. However, this is not an accurate portrayal of reflection, for they would normally see themselves how they are now, and not how they were a few decades prior to now.

The final photograph shows the evidence of age also. In this photograph , the man looks at his past self as a scientist. This photograph portrays age due to the fact that they look completely different, yet it is assumed they are the same photograph because he is looking in his own reflection. I may try and replicate such an idea.

I find Tom Hussey inspiring and influential due to the fact that I plan to do a shoot just like his, showing the evidence of age, as well as the evidence of reflection. Also, by doing the evidence of age I am also showing the evidence that someone has lived their life, leading to the evidence of history. This means Hussey has influenced me in three ways, giving me ideas for three separate shoots that I could put together as one.

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