Thursday 30 April 2015

Connecting Essay Five

Photograph I Found:

I found this photograph by typing in 'hand print on wall' on Google images. I liked this photograph for many reasons. The first reason is due to the texture that is involved, immediately incorporating one of the formal elements into the photograph. It looks quite rough, and has been taken at an angle that allows the viewer to see this. Another reason I liked this photograph is due to the obviousness of the handprint being the main focus of the photo. It is in the centre of the frame and I think it gives off quite a sinister vibe.

 Photograph I Took:

I took this photograph during my 'evidence of human presence' shoot. As I was walking around the college, I was surprised to come across this handprint on a brick wall, and I thought it was a perfect example of human presence. I think, however, that I could have taken it at a better angle, due to the fact that the edge of the wall can be seen on the left and it somewhat ruins the mysteriousness of the photograph. I also like how the handprint is faded slightly, showing that it has been there for quite a while.


Both of these photographs are quite similar in the fact that they portray a handprint on a surface. I think that the first photograph manages to show more formal elements than my photograph, such as texture and shape, so overall I believe that the photograph I found on the internet is a better photograph than the one I took during my evidence of human presence shoot. However, I think that with some improvements to my photograph, I could perhaps make it look just as good as the photograph I compared it to.

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