Monday 27 April 2015

Connecting Essay Two

Picture I Found:

I found this photograph on google images by typing in the search bar 'train on a bridge'. This photograph, taken at a low angle, was quiet eye catching to me due to the variety of colours and objects captured within it. I like how the train is moving, but looks quite still in the photograph. I also like the textures that can be found within the photograph, such as the roughness of the brick walls supporting the bridge. However, I think the photograph could have been improved if it was taken from an angle facing the front of train, rather than facing the side of it. I think this would have made it a better photograph if the photographer was trying to make the train the main focus of the photograph when they were taking it.

Picture I Took:

I took this photograph during my exam session when I was walking down the river trying to find boats for my 'evidence of transport' topic. I heard the train coming and I thought this was a good opportunity to capture a photo showing the river, the bridge and the train. This photograph is quite colourful due to the colours of the train, the plants and the signs on the bridge. This photograph shows movement as well, due to the train having a slight blur on it, indicating that it is travelling at a fast pace. I think this photograph could have been improved however, if I had waited until the train had made it further on to the bridge, showing more of it. I do like that the train is very slightly reflected in the river as well, thanks to the sun shining on the water.


Both of these photographs portray a very similar image, a low angle of a train travelling across a bridge with blue sky in the background. I think the creator of this photograph and I had the same aim when taking the photograph, making the train the main focus of the photograph. However, there are quite a few differences between both photographs. One is that the train is blurred to show movement in my photo, and in the other photo the train is very still. Another difference is that my photograph shows more of the surroundings than the photograph I found. Overall I prefer my photograph because of this fact.

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