Thursday 16 April 2015

Connecting Essay One

Photograph I Took:

I took this photograph during my 'evidence of movement' shoot, and I was quite proud of it due to the fact that I think it accurately portrays movement in the ways possible to portray movement within still images. The classmate that features in this photograph is blurred, and somewhat stretched out, showing her movement from one place to another. In order to achieve this effect I had to change the settings in my camera, adjusting the shutter speed and the brightness settings. Other features of my photograph that I also like is how everything else in the image is still, therefore proving that the classmate that is moving in my photograph is actually moving, and how that also helps to establish that the photograph is supposed to be focusing on the topic of movement.

Photograph I Found:

I found this photograph by searching for 'Movement Photography' on google images. This photograph portrays movement through the blurs in the cyclists. This effect was most likely achieved by the photographer by changing the shutter speed, therefore being able to capture fast moving objects/people and portray their movement. I think the fact this photograph is in black and white allows the viewer to focus more on the topic of movement within the photograph, because there are no colours to distract them or many other formal elements. One thing I like about this photograph is the simplicity of what was trying to be captured here, for it can easily be seen by the viewer that this is a photograph of movement.


Both of these photographs are quite similar in their appearance and in the overall aim that the photographer was evidently trying to capture. There are similarities in the blurs that are used to portray movement in the cyclists and in my classmate. However there are differences between these photographs as well, such as the fact that my photograph is coloured whereas the one I am comparing it to is black and white. Also, there are still parts in my photograph, whereas everything seems to be blurry in the photograph I found on the internet. Overall though, both photographs were focused clearly on the movement of a subject, and are thus similar in that respect.

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