Thursday 30 April 2015

Connecting Essay Four

Photograph I Found:

I found this photograph by typing in 'Tile pathway on grass' in Google images. This photograph was exactly the type of photo I was looking for, and there are lots of things that I like about it. An example of something I liked about this photograph is the angle at which the photograph is taken. I am reminded of 'depth' shoots because of this angle, so it can be said that this photograph includes some formal elements. I also like that the end of the path is off camera, so it seems like the path goes on for a long time. The grass is also overlapping the tiles, making it seem like the objects are intruding on natural substances such as plants.

Photograph I Took:

I took this photograph during my 'evidence of man made intrusion' shoot. It can clearly be seen that some editing features heavily in this photograph, due to the fact that the grass has no colour, yet the tiles remain the same. I particularly liked this photograph due to the fact that the end of the path is not established, making it seem like it goes on. Also, I like how the green of the grass can be seen very slightly on the outside of the tiles. However, to improve, I would have taken it from a lower angle, or maybe cropped the bottom of the photograph off so that it seems like I am taking it from the middle of the pathway, not the beginning.


The photographs I have chosen in my connecting essay share many similarities. The angle at which they are taken is the same, as well as the fact that it is trying to portray tiles in the ground (specifically on the grass) going out of frame. However, unlike the photograph I found, my photograph has some visible editing, due to the fact that I made the grass black and white and kept the tiles the same as before. Overall I prefer my own photograph due to this, but would also make the changes that I mentioned earlier to it in order to improve it.

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