Thursday 30 April 2015

Overall Project Evaluation

When the topics for Unit 2 were initially announced, I was drawn quite quickly to the topics of 'Weather' and 'Evidence'.  However, after trying to complete a weather shoot, I realised that my options of what I could capture were somewhat limited, and I ultimately decided to choose the topic of evidence. Unit 1 was quite different to Unit 2 so it took a while to get used to, but overall I really enjoyed taking photographs of the many forms of evidence there are. Examples of what types of evidence I took include evidence of smoking, human presence, damage, vandalism, the consumption of foods and drinks, weather and movement.

There were times during Unit 2 that I struggled, such as with the evidence of vandalism topic. However, after a helpful chat with my tutor, I was able to get back on track and I think some of the work I completed later on in the year was some of my best. Topics such as the consumption of food and drinks, weather and movement were my particular favourites. I also think that the amount of editing I put into this unit was larger than the amount I did in Unit 1 for I made more multiple imagery collages and more sequences.

Unlike Unit 1, this unit had an exam, which I completed on the 20th April 2015. For my exam, I focused on the topic 'Evidence of transport', taking photographs of trains, cars, boats, bikes and things related to all of those methods of transport. In my opinion, the exam was not terrible and I am quite content with how the overall unit went due to this.

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